Engaging a Hillside

in Noe Valley

Nestled along the undulating contours of a San Francisco hillside, this garden offers panoramic views with minimal impact to the existing slope. Whether savoring a leisurely afternoon tea amidst the blooms or simply basking in the glow of a sunrise, the garden offers a rejuvenating escape from the city below.

Our goal was to seamlessly blend naturalistic beauty with modern functionality. Board form concrete retaining walls not only provide structural support but also serve as a contrasting backdrop for the plant palette to pop off.

Intimate patios and secluded alcoves invite gathering and relaxation, offering the perfect vantage points to soak in the views.

Light screening between the two patios creates some privacy between the separately deeded areas.

A garden staircase bends through the slope and allows connection.

Native plants and drought-resistant species thrive with minimal irrigation. Leucodendron ‘Safari Sunset’, French Lavender, Yarrow, and Coyotebrush create swaths of color and texture along the slope.

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